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- A Call for Communities of Humble-Sovereignty
A Call for Communities of Humble-Sovereignty
existing together as reality reality-ing itself
Recently I’ve been grappling with:
How do I step into my sovereignty without acquiring a massive ego in the process?
How do I honor the value of both my perspective and other’s?
How do I express myself while maintaining a connection to the animating, life-supporting essence of reality itself?
Let’s explore how being sovereign agent functioning and interacting with communities of shared value are one answer to these questions.

❌ The Religion of Me
This trap of a Religion of Me surfaced for me recently in an interview between Eric Brown and John Vervaeke1.
It's this notion that taking an autodidactic and individualistic approach to learning and developing tends to lead to narcissism — especially when grappling with perennial problems related to meaning.
Leo Gura of Actualized.org seems to be coming heavily from this energy of Autodidactic Narcissism.2
Performing Distributed Cognition from a place of sovereignty seems to be the solution.
✅ In Support of Life
I recently recorded a piece What is Sovereignty? where I deconstructed sovereignty from many angles.
I'd like to add is the necessity for being tuned into the heartbeat of the emergent collective and learning how to respond in support of its harmony is a central aspect of sovereignty.
Or put another way, the difference between sovereignty and a toxic ego seems to be the degree to which the power is acting in service of something greater. A good litmus testing being:
Does it add vitality to life as a whole or does it support a fragmented aspect of life while degenerating larger aspects of life?

❌ Toxic Humility = A Victim Complex
Being humble is a good thing, right?
What if I'm so humble that I never call bullshit where bullshit exists?
What if I always submit to the authority of the perspectives of others while denying the authority of my own?
Do you see what I'm getting at here?
✅ Healthy Humility
Life supporting humility seems to reconcile this paradox that my perspective can be both valuable and so can others. That there’s a certain degree of truth in my worldview and also in others.
This requires that I don't mistake my frameworks as absolute and realize that they are inherently partial and limited (but also capturing of truth.)
🦠 Distinct but not Separate
One way of framing healthy humility is from this recognition of distinct but not separate.
I'll use the metaphor of a cell here.
Notice that every cell in the human body is distinct from every other cell, but not separate from the body itself.
A brain cell and a blood cell are different from each other but acting harmoniously in support of a higher-order phenomenon called a human body.
Switch out cells with human beings and the human body with collective consciousness and we get something like:
My perspective is distinct from yours but not separate. I'm speaking different words but that which is speaking through me, beyond my limited ego, is the same thing that is speaking through you.
We are distinct human beings, but on a deeper level, we're of the same essence. We're both made of, and animated by, the same fundamental substance —- whether you call that matter, consciousness or blippity-blop doesn't change anything.
With this recognition, we can criticize and poke holes in each other's worldviews both knowing that who we are is beyond anything that can be encapsulated in the form of language.
A New Type of Community as an Antidote

A new type of community where every individual is:
expanding into deeper levels of healing and transcendence
increasingly becoming more effective vehicle for divinity itself
increasingly becoming conscious of self-deception
developing increasing agency to spot, point out, and know when to call bullshit on other people from a place of love and in service to the collective
It feels like the necessary error-correcting feedback loops are just not possible through autodidactism.
Thank you for reading! 📖
I love you. ❤️
You are worthy. 🙏🏻
You are beautiful. 🌸
You are the purest expression of beauty. 🌻
You are perfection expressing itself. 💎
I believe you have something beautiful to share with humanity. I believe you are an integral piece of life that nothing in the universe can replace. 🧩
Are you ready to strap in and surrender to the fullness of this wild roller coaster of existence? 🎢
I have my flaws, you have yours — I’ll meet you in the middle and we can share our struggles, trials, tribulations, heavy vulnerabilities and recognize the utter humanness at the center of it all! 🙊