Job security is a hot crock of shit

The making of a modern digital worker

office people working miniature

Your company doesn’t care about you, they only care about their bottom line.

Over the past few years I’ve come to see how startups consist of a bunch of people making money as fast as possible and firing the people who are bringing down costs.

If it ain’t growing it’s dying — said every vehement capitalist indoctrinated into the American “ways” ever.

And getting fired fucking hurts.

It’s a painful experience to get laid off.

It’s a rejection — akin to the visceral pain of getting cheated on.

If you started getting complacent and putting all your eggs in that one company’s basket then it feels like you’ve been dropped in a new culture without knowing the native language.

It feels alien.

Plus, it hurts even more if you started to wrap your identity around that job.

A multi-faceted world beckons forth multi-faceted human beings.

To survive in the modern workforce, we must become multi-faceted human beings.

With multiple streams of income, complex identities, and an ability to let loose amidst the chaos.

I believe in capitalism, just for social good; if the company profits off addiction and the depressive spirals of it’s customers then they’d probably be better off going bankrupt. (Yes, I’m looking at you Zuckerberg.)

Growth for the sake of growth is the definition of cancer, and we’ve got a lot of cancerous organizations in the world.

The workforce is a battleground.

Did you hear, Google just laid off 12,000 people the other day; with nothing more than .. an email .. saying .. that .. you’ve .. been .. terminated.

Terminated; literally to kill. You’ve been killed by your employer and must restart the game.

So fuck em. Fuck google. Fuck Zuckerberg. Fuck the CEOs and the execs. Fuck em all.


Outsmart the evil corps. They have the gunpower, but we have Mother Fucking Gandhi-esque strategic non-violence on our side.

While they’re busy throwing money at the problem we’re finding the key leverage points to move masses.

Be so valuable that they can’t ignore you.

Become the polymath, systems thinking, creative savant, entrepreneur badass that everyone throws money at.

Become a business of your own. Hire free AI workers to out innovate the corporate slaves, one … word … at … a … time.

Sun Tzu their asses.

Okay I get that this a bit more vulgar than usual, but fuck it, the modern workforce requires a bit of a ‘fuck it’ energy ya feel.

Be damn good for business.

Be the MVP.

Don’t rely on any one business for your life’s income.

Be a strategic motherfucker and figure out how to get multiple different streams of income.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for today folks. You never know what you’re getting with the Becoming Conscious newsletter.

Stay tuned for some radically different styles coming your way.